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N-dimensional linear interpolation on a rectangular grid in C++

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What is linterp?

linterp is a C++ header-only library for N-dimensional linear interpolation on a rectangular grid, similar to Matlab's interpn command. For interpolation on unstructured data, take a look at delaunay_linterp. Arbitrary dimensions are supported, but the number of dimensions must be specified as a template parameter at compile time. Two algorithms for computing the interpolated value are available:

The number type is user-specified as a template parameter. The underlying data may be shared or copied. If a reference-counting scheme is used for the memory containing the underlying data, an optional reference-counting type may be passed as a template parameter.

Requires the boost.multi_array library.

For a description of the two interpolation algorithms, see:

C++ interface

Here is an example in C++:

#include <ctime>
#include "linterp.h"

// return an evenly spaced 1-d grid of doubles.
std::vector<double> linspace(double first, double last, int len) {
  std::vector<double> result(len);
  double step = (last-first) / (len - 1);
  for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { result[i] = first + i*step; }
  return result;

// the function to interpolate.
double fn (double x1, double x2) { return sin(x1 + x2); }

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  const int length = 10;

  // construct the grid in each dimension. 
  // note that we will pass in a sequence of iterators pointing to the beginning of each grid
  std::vector<double> grid1 = linspace(0.0, 3.0, length);
  std::vector<double> grid2 = linspace(0.0, 3.0, length);
  std::vector< std::vector<double>::iterator > grid_iter_list;

  // the size of the grid in each dimension
  array<int,2> grid_sizes;
  grid_sizes[0] = length;
  grid_sizes[1] = length;

  // total number of elements
  int num_elements = grid_sizes[0] * grid_sizes[1];

  // fill in the values of f(x) at the gridpoints. 
  // we will pass in a contiguous sequence, values are assumed to be laid out C-style
  std::vector<double> f_values(num_elements);
  for (int i=0; i<grid_sizes[0]; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j<grid_sizes[1]; j++) {
      f_values[i*grid_sizes[0] + j] = fn(grid1[i], grid2[j]);

  // construct the interpolator. the last two arguments are pointers to the underlying data
  InterpMultilinear<2, double> interp_ML(grid_iter_list.begin(), grid_sizes.begin(),, + num_elements);

  // interpolate one value
  array<double,2> args = {1.5, 1.5};
  printf("%f, %f -> %f\n", args[0], args[1], interp_ML.interp(args.begin()));

  // interpolate multiple values: create sequences for each coordinate
  std::vector<double> interp_grid = linspace(0.0, 3.0, length*10);
  int num_interp_elements = interp_grid.size() * interp_grid.size();
  std::vector<double> interp_x1(num_interp_elements);
  std::vector<double> interp_x2(num_interp_elements);
  for (int i=0; i<interp_grid.size(); i++) {
    for (int j=0; j<interp_grid.size(); j++) {
      interp_x1[i*interp_grid.size() + j] = interp_grid[i];
      interp_x2[i*interp_grid.size() + j] = interp_grid[j];
  std::vector<double> result(num_interp_elements);

  // pass in a sequence of iterators, one for each coordinate
  std::vector< std::vector<double>::iterator > interp_x_list;

  // interpolate a sequence of values
  clock_t t1, t2;
  t1 = clock(); 
  interp_ML.interp_vec(num_interp_elements, interp_x_list.begin(), interp_x_list.end(), result.begin());
  t2 = clock();
  printf("multilinear: %d interpolations, %d clocks, %f sec\n", num_interp_elements, (t2-t1), ((double)(t2 - t1)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

  // calculate the squared errors
  std::vector<double> true_f_vals(num_interp_elements);
  double SSE = 0.0;
  for (int i=0; i<num_interp_elements; i++) {
    true_f_vals[i] = fn(interp_x1[i], interp_x2[i]);
    double diff = true_f_vals[i] - result[i];
    SSE += diff*diff;
  printf("sum of squared errors: %f\n", SSE);
  return 0;


1.500000, 1.500000 -> 0.137236
multilinear: 10000 interpolations, 1 clocks, 0.001000 sec
sum of squared errors: 1.812171

Python interface

A Python interface is provided, using Andreas Klöckner's pyublas library. Scipy's griddata command provides similar functionality and can interpolate unstructured data, but is slower and can handle fewer points.

An example:

import _linterp_python as _linterp
x = scipy.linspace(-3, 3, 10)
xi = scipy.linspace(-3.5, 3.5, 30)
y = scipy.sin(x)
f = _linterp.Interp_1_ML([x], y)
yi = f.interp_vec([xi])
scatter(x, y)
scatter(xi, yi, marker='x')


Matlab interface

A Matlab interface is provided. To compile it with mex, supply the appropriate include directory for the Boost headers:

mex -IC:/boost/boost_1_49_0 linterp_matlab.cpp


grid_min = -2;
grid_max = 2;
grid_size = 10;
xi_min = grid_min * 1.2;
xi_max = grid_max * 1.2;
xi_size = grid_size * 10;

% function to interpolate
sin_sum_1 = @(x) sin(x);
sin_sum_2 = @(x1, x2) sin(x1+x2);

% max error, error sum of squares
err_ss = @(true_y, y) [max(abs(y-true_y)), sum((y-true_y) .* (y-true_y))];

% 1D
grid_1 = linspace(grid_min, grid_max, grid_size);       % original grid
xi_grid_1 = linspace(xi_min, xi_max, xi_size);          % grid of points to interpolate on
f = sin_sum_1(grid_1);                                  % f evaluated on original grid
xi_mesh_1 = xi_grid_1;
true_y = sin_sum_1(xi_mesh_1);

% matlab's interp1
yi_1 = interp1(grid_1,f,xi_mesh_1);                     % interpolated value
not_nans = not(isnan(yi_1));
disp('interp1: max err, err SS');
disp(err_ss(true_y(not_nans), yi_1(not_nans)));
figure('Name', 'interp1');
plot(grid_1,f,'o', xi_grid_1,yi_1,'x')

% linterp
yi_2 = linterp_matlab(grid_1,f,xi_grid_1);              % interpolated value
disp('linterp: max err, err SS');
disp(err_ss(true_y(not_nans), yi_2(not_nans)));
figure('Name', 'linterp 1d');
plot(grid_1,f,'o', xi_grid_1,yi_2,'x')

% 2D
grid_1 = linspace(grid_min, grid_max, grid_size);       % original grid
grid_2 = linspace(grid_min, grid_max, grid_size);
xi_grid_1 = linspace(xi_min, xi_max, xi_size);          % grid of points to interpolate on
xi_grid_2 = linspace(xi_min, xi_max, xi_size);
[grid_mesh_1, grid_mesh_2] = ndgrid(grid_1, grid_2);
[xi_mesh_1, xi_mesh_2] = ndgrid(xi_grid_1, xi_grid_2);
f = sin_sum_2(grid_mesh_1, grid_mesh_2);                % f evaluated on original grid
true_y = sin_sum_2(xi_mesh_1, xi_mesh_2);
figure('Name', 'true function');
mesh(grid_1, grid_2, f);

% matlab's griddata 2d
yi_1 = griddata(grid_mesh_1, grid_mesh_2, f, xi_mesh_1, xi_mesh_2);                 % interpolated value
not_nans = not(isnan(yi_1));
disp(err_ss(true_y(not_nans), yi_1(not_nans)));
figure('Name', 'griddata 2d');
mesh(xi_grid_1, xi_grid_2, yi_1);
err = yi_1 - true_y;
figure('Name', 'griddata 2d errors');
mesh(xi_grid_1, xi_grid_2, err);

% linterp 2d
disp('linterp 2d:');
yi_2 = reshape(linterp_matlab(grid_1, grid_2, f, xi_mesh_1, xi_mesh_2), size(true_y));                          % interpolated value
disp(err_ss(true_y(not_nans), yi_2(not_nans)));
figure('Name', 'linterp 2d');
mesh(xi_grid_1, xi_grid_2, yi_2);
err = yi_2 - true_y;
err(isnan(yi_1)) = NaN;
figure('Name', 'linterp 2d errors');
mesh(xi_grid_1, xi_grid_2, err);


interp1: max err, err SS
    0.0240    0.0159

linterp: max err, err SS
    0.0240    0.0159

Elapsed time is 0.574771 seconds.
    0.0926    4.8782

linterp 2d:
Elapsed time is 0.001489 seconds.
    0.0474    3.7872

output of griddata: output of linterp:


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